How to Manage Your Vet Bills

We’re a nation of animal lovers. Our fondness for our fur babies has grown in the last two years especially, with many of us introducing dogs, cats and other creatures into our homes. In fact, in the 12 months from the start of the pandemic, 3.2 million pets took up residence in homes across the … Read more

6 Commands Your Dog Should Know

You’ve probably heard dog owners say, ‘my dog doesn’t listen to a thing I say.’ When you think about it, this is pretty dangerous. Imagine if your dog didn’t know how to listen when you’re calling their name or giving them an instruction. They might get into something they shouldn’t, which could lead to an … Read more

Why Is My Dachshund Overweight? – Understand The Key Reasons That Lead Toward Excessive Weight

With their low-lying flappy ears and lengthy bodies, Dachshunds are a very adorable breed of dog. Some owners tend to give more food to their Dachshunds for the sole purpose of making them fluffy and cute. That way they appear to be more amusing, cuddly, and huggable. However, your Dachshund might have major health concerns … Read more

Are Huskies Suitable For Apartments?

In this article, we will answer the question about are huskies suitable for apartments. We’ve all seen dogs at the dog park—they’re generally friendly, but when they’re forced to live inside an apartment they often become anxious and fearful of people. Even if you’re a dog lover, you may not want a pet living in … Read more