What Dog Breeds Get Cancer the Most?

Cancer is a health condition in which cells grow out of control and no longer perform the functions necessary for life. These cells can form solid tumors that press on other organs, causing pain and malfunction. Cancers can metastasize, meaning that the original cancerous cells can travel to nearby and distant parts of the body … Read more

What Dog Breeds Get Degenerative Myelopathy?

Canine degenerative myelopathy, DM, is a progressive condition that causes a decline of spinal function over time. It’s most commonly found in dogs eight years and older. It may begin with difficulties in walking, especially in the hind legs. It can rapidly progress to total paralysis of the hindquarters and can also affect the forelimbs. … Read more

What Breeds of Dogs Are Prone to Deafness?

Congenital deafness in dogs is more prevalent in certain breeds and is linked to coat color. Congenital means that a health condition is present at birth and not acquired as a result of something else. There are four main types of canine coat colors associated with deafness: Piebald Merle Roan White Dr. Stanley Coren reports … Read more