Wakin Goldfish Care

The wakin goldfish is a beloved and popular breed that originated in Japan and is often considered the common goldfish of East Asia. In this article, we will explore the unique characteristics of the wakin goldfish, including its body shape, tail fin structure, housing requirements, and color variations.

Body Shape and Tail Fin

The wakin goldfish closely resembles the comet goldfish in terms of body shape, with its elongated and streamlined body. However, it possesses a shorter, fantail-like tail instead of the single, elongated caudal fin found in comet goldfish. This distinct double caudal tail fin is one of the defining features of the wakin goldfish and sets it apart from other goldfish breeds. Furthermore, the wakin goldfish, along with the jikin goldfish, is one of the few breeds to have an elongated body combined with double anal and caudal fins.

Housing Requirements

Wakin goldfish are best suited for goldfish ponds where they can have ample space to swim and explore. However, if kept in an aquarium, it is important to provide a large enough tank to accommodate their growth. As they can reach lengths of over a foot (30 cm), a tank with a minimum capacity of 30 gallons (113 liters) is recommended for a single wakin goldfish. Larger tanks or ponds are even better, as they allow for more natural swimming behavior and better water quality.

Tank Mates and Feeding Habits

While the wakin goldfish is not inherently aggressive, it is a fast swimmer and has a hearty appetite. This makes it less suitable for tank mates that are slower-swimming or have delicate fins, as the wakin may outcompete them for food. Additionally, if the tank or pond contains live aquatic plants that the wakin finds tasty, its appetite could pose a problem. It is advisable to choose tank mates that are similar in size and have comparable swimming abilities to ensure a harmonious aquatic environment.

Color Variations

The wakin goldfish is typically found in solid red or variegated red and white colors. The ideal balance between red and white is approximately fifty-fifty, creating a visually striking contrast. However, individual wakins may exhibit different color distributions, ranging from a few small stripes of red on an otherwise white body to a predominantly red body with minimal white markings. The red coloration should be deep, vibrant, and uniform, while the white color should be bright and pure. Other color variations include metallic shades and variegated combinations such as oranges, yellows, browns, and blacks, adding further visual interest to the breed.


The wakin goldfish is a beautiful and hardy breed that stands out with its elongated body and double caudal tail fin. Whether kept in a goldfish pond or an appropriately sized aquarium, the wakin goldfish requires ample space to thrive. Its fast swimming nature and hearty appetite make it a lively and active fish, though consideration should be given to tank mates and the presence of live aquatic plants. With its stunning color variations, including vibrant reds and variegated combinations, the wakin goldfish adds a touch of elegance to any aquatic setting.

Reviewed By: Tim Winter

Tim Winter has a strong affection for pets and wildlife. His years of experience caring for various types of pets has led him to share his knowledge with others on the best practices in pet care. Tim holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communications.