5 Fabulous Real Food Meal Toppers that can boost your dog’s health, improve their coat, and taste amazing! 

5 Fabulous Real Food Meal Toppers that can boost your dog’s health, improve their coat, and taste amazing!

Meal Toppers are an essential component of your dog’s food because raw diets can be monotonous at times. However, while many humans nowadays choose artificial supplements as meal toppers, your dog’s diet must contain real food meals. So, in this article, we’ve got some fantastic real food meal Toppers to help your dog’s health.

dog food bowl next to bowl of raw food

Real Food Meal Toppers

The meal Toppers are inspired by some of the top-notch breeders, such as Natural Doodle Life, who feed these awesome tidbits and more to their dogs and puppies on a daily basis. Furthermore, if you are looking for yet another intelligent companion for your home, they are the best option to consider right now.

Artificial vitamins are unnecessary for dogs. So, to ensure that they are getting their natural nourishment, they require raw meat with a mixture of animal organs such as the heart, kidney, and liver. You can immediately add some whole-food nutrients to your dog’s diet by placing them on top of the food. Here are the finest 5 real food meal Toppers for your dog:

Bee Pollen

The capacity of bee pollen to lessen allergy responses in animals is a remarkable feature. It boasts one of the world’s most comprehensive nutritional profiles, with 35 percent protein and 50 percent carbs.

Although bee pollen is not a medicine, it is conceivable that your pet will be allergic to it, so proceed with caution when giving it to them. One teaspoon per day is advised for a 50-pound dog. To guarantee he doesn’t have a sensitivity, start with 1/3 dosage and progressively increase.

As part of a regular diet, it can assist in increasing skin moisture levels, which can aid wound healing and promote a healthy coat. Furthermore, Phosphorus, chromium, selenium, cobalt, niacin, and potassium are all abundant in bee pollen.


Raw Egg Yolk or Whole Cooked Egg Over

Eggs are an excellent source of amino acids and fatty acids, which are beneficial to your dog’s skin and hair. Cooked and raw eggs both provide necessary vitamins and nutrients, but raw eggs for dogs are preferable and make a great treat.

Cooked egg yolks can be eaten by dogs, but only in moderation. So, if you want to serve cooked eggs to your dog, the ideal method is to boil or scramble them without any additions. A medium or big breed can have one egg per day, while petite breeds should be limited to 12 eggs each day.

Consider getting multivitamin dog chews.

basket full of egges

Sardines or Oysters

Fish and seafood might be a good protein choice for dogs that are allergic to chicken. Although, when introducing new foods to your pet, such as sardines and oysters, do it carefully at first.

Oysters in your dog’s food can boost the nutritional value of their diet. They are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and other vital minerals, including iron, selenium, and zinc.

Iron, calcium, vitamin B12, vitamin D, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, and zinc are all abundant in sardines. However, there is a critical criterion for feeding sardines to dogs: they must be well cooked.


Chopped Liver

The liver’s high nutrient content helps a tired, anemic, or crippled dog feel better. However, it is commonly given to dogs to treat blood deficiencies since it has the ability to filter blood.

Beef has a higher concentration of essential nutrients such as iron, calcium, and zinc than chicken livers. On the other hand, Chicken livers include more vitamins A and D, as well as some B vitamins.

The liver, like most organs, is a high-calorie food that you should give in moderation. You might offer various organs up to 25% of your dog’s diet if you’re feeding a lot of other organ meats. If you’re only feeding one organ (liver), feed it at a weight of 5-10% of your dog’s food.

As a general rule, you should give liver to your dog as a nutritious supplement in addition to its regular diet. Furthermore, to avoid vitamin A overload, small breed dogs should have 1 to 2 liver treats per week, medium breed dogs 3 to 4 treats, and large breed dogs 5 to 6 treats.

raw bones

Bone Broth

Bone broth is prepared by simmering animal bones and connective tissues for an extended length of time. It provides several health advantages, especially for the intestines and connective tissues.

It never hurts to add a little bone broth to your pet’s usual food. Moreover, the bone broth is extremely healthy, but it is not a substitute for meals. So, you can add it to your dog’s regular diet as a supplement.

Bone broth helps with digestion, joint health, immunity, hunger stimulation, and skin and coat health. As with any new diet, start carefully and gradually increase the amount of bone broth you give your dog.


Even if meal Toppers are magical, it’s still a good option to see your veterinarian to make sure it is a good idea for your dog. Alternatively, you must consider the proper dosage of these toppings while feeding your dog. These toppings can be beneficial not only to your dog’s health but also to their coat and provide flavor to their food.

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