8 Tips On How To Care For Your Cat

Learn how to care for your cat with these great tips.

  1. Daily Brushing

You can prevent tangles and mats, as well as the development of hairballs in the digestive tract by simply combing or brushing your cat on a daily basis. Daily brushing is even more important in cats with long hair. Pet owners may not be aware of the fact that they can assist cats by regularly brushing them to remove loose hair, because these pets spend a huge chunk of their time grooming themselves.

  1. Avoid Excessively Feeding Your Feline Pet Dry Food

Cats require meat as their dietary foundation, because they are obligate carnivores, unlike dogs. According to Werber, meat should be the main meal of each day. Excessive consumption of carbohydrates, through a diet that is exclusively composed of dry foods – something that he cautions against – can be unhealthy for cats. Werber explains that excessive consumption of dry food has been seen to cause obesity and type II diabetes in cats.

You should avoid feeding cats and dogs the same diet, if you have both types of pets. Cats are unable to metabolize carbohydrates the same way that dogs can; furthermore, cats are not suited to dog food. Your cat’s diet should partly or wholly be made up of wet food.

If your kitty is experiencing digestive issues or appetite problems, you can measure an accurate CBD dose for cats and add it to their diet to see if this helps.”

  1. Keep Your Cat Properly Hydrated

Cats drink less water than dogs because they trace their origins from felines that used to live in the desert. Food should be the main source of water for cats. Mice are 70 percent water – a meal that cats would regularly eat in the wild. While dry food has an average of 5 – 10 percent water content, canned food has around 78 percent water content.

Even though you will notice your cat drinking more water when their diet is primarily made up of dry food, it is recommended that you give your pet free access to water throughout, regardless of what they eat. Be on the lookout for signs of dehydration such as panting, lethargy and sunken eyes among others, if your cat has a chronic disease, is nursing or old – as these cats are more susceptible to dehydration than others.

  1. Choosing the Right Boarding for Your Cat When You Are Away

When planning for your own time away, don’t forget your furry friend! Look for a reputable cat boarding facility that offers a comfortable and safe environment for your cat. Ensure they have experienced staff who understand feline needs, provide individual attention, and maintain a clean and hygienic space. Before leaving, make sure to provide detailed care instructions, your cat’s favorite toys or bedding, and ensure they are up to date on vaccinations for a worry-free getaway.

  1. Get Enough Litter Boxes For Your Cats

According to Weber, you should at least have one litter box available to each cat and an extra one, to ensure that there are enough potty places. For instance, you should have about four litter boxes if you have 3 cats – be sure to position each box at a strategic place. It is worth noting that some cats may be uncomfortable going to hidden spaces like dark corners and basements, where most people tend to hide the boxes. You should take a moment to consider feline instincts, according to Werber. He says that when performing these functions, these animals tend to be in a vulnerable state. Your pet wants to see their surroundings clearly. As such, your cats may be unwilling to use a box hidden behind furniture or one that is designed with a cover.

grooming a cat with brush
  1. Find Out Why Your Cat Might Not Be Using The Box When Peeing

A cat peeing anywhere else – especially on the bed or couch – instead of the litter box can be very frustrating for owners. According to Werber, there are a number of reasons why cats can do this, but ruling out any sort of disease first is essential. To investigate the underlying cause, especially if it is medical, it is recommended that you take your pet in for a checkup at the veterinary office – they can check for any illness, including a urinary tract infection. You can then check whether your cat’s requirements are satisfied by the litter box, once all medical causes have been ruled out.

To find out if your cat has a litter preference, be sure to experiment with a few options from. Remember to clean the box at once or even two times a day, if you have more than one cat. Furthermore, be sure to place the litter box in a location where your pet can access with ease and/or in a quieter spot – far from loud appliances.

  1. Give Your Cat Scratching Post Lessons

Give your cat scratching post lessons if you don’t want it clawing your furniture and to ripping your new couch to shreds. Many owners forget that they have to make scratching posts appealing to their cats, according to Werber. He explains that owners should start by placing the post in the center of the room. You cat will likely ignore it, if you place it too far from the household’s social action, say in a far corner. The vet also advises pet owners to spread some catnip over the scratcher after bringing it home for the first time. You can then stop using the catnip and relocate the post to a quieter part of the house once your cat is used to using it.

  1. Have Your Cat Neutered Or Spayed

Getting your cat spayed or neutered is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your pet’s wellness over the long-term. He adds that when they go into heat, female cats tend to be very uncomfortable. You can also ensure the safety of your cat through neutering. Male cats face the risk of spreading diseases through scratches and biting, because they tend to fight a lot if they are unaltered. The same also applies when it comes to female cats. Queening and mating numerous kitten litters can be highly stressful, especially considering that female cats can be impregnated as soon as they are four months in age. It is better not to increase the population, considering that shelters are already full of cats that are still waiting to find permanent homes.

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