Small Pet Rodents That Are Good for Beginners

Small rodents make great pets for people who have never had a pet. They don’t need much care, are easy to take care of, and can give their owners lots of love and company. Hamsters, guinea pigs, and rats are some of the best small rodent pets for people who have never had one.

Hamsters and Gerbils

holding a golden fluffy hamster
One of the most popular little rodent pets is the hamster, a fantastic option for those who have never owned a pet. They don’t take up much room and require little maintenance. As nocturnal animals, hamsters are most active at night. They are, therefore, a great option for folks who desire a pet but wish to sleep at night and work during the day. They also don’t need much care and are easy to clean and take care of. There are many kinds of hamsters, such as the Syrian hamster, the Dwarf hamster, and the Chinese hamster. This gives pet owners a lot of choices.

A gerbil looks similar to that of a hamster but it’s still pretty easy to tell them apart. The most noticeable difference is the tail of a gerbil is longer than a hamster. Gerbils may also seem to be more aware and interested in a human’s presence. With both hamsters and gerbils, being able to handle them should start when they are young.

If you have asked yourself, do gerbils hibernate or why do hamsters sleep so much, a noticeable difference in their behavior is that gerbils are not strictly nocturnal like hamsters so they are more active than hamsters during the day. To answer the question, gerbils do not hibernate but one or two breeds of hamster do. Both gerbils and hamsters can go into a state that resembles hibernation but it’s not technically hibernation

Syrian hamsters should be housed individually while dwarf hamster breeds and gerbils can have companions of the same type. Always confirm with the experts before getting your pet a new tank mate.

gerbil in hand

Guinea pigs

three guinea pigs
Guinea pigs are also a good choice for small rodent pets. They are bigger than hamsters and gerbils and live best in pairs because they are social animals. Guinea pigs are known for being friendly and able to get close to their owners. They also don’t need much care and are easy to take care of, which makes them an excellent choice for people who have never had a pet before. Guinea pigs need a larger cage than hamsters, but keeping them in a small space is easy. They are also easy to feed; they primarily eat hay, vegetables, and small pellets.

Rats and Mice

pet rat
Rats are also a good choice for small rodent pets. Even though rats are often thought of as pests, they can make great pets. They are social animals that love to play with their owners. They are also brilliant, which makes them easy to train. They don’t need as much care as hamsters or guinea pigs, but they need a bigger cage. Rats must have a balanced diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables and commercial rat chow because they consume both plants and animals. They are also active animals that love to play with their owners and spend time with them.

Mice are similar to rats but again, it’s fairly easy to tell them apart. The most noticeable difference is the size. A full-grown mouse is much smaller than even a juvenile rat. If it’s big, it’s probably a rat. Another noticeable difference is that mice have hair on their tails while rats do not. Not as much hair as a gerbil does but much longer than that of a gerbil. Rats are more sociable and it will be much easier to handle than a mouse. Mice are a bit dirtier than rats when it comes to habitat upkeep and hygiene.

Other Notables

There are other small rodents or creatures that people have as pets. Some are not for beginners and some might not be legal in certain areas. Do you research if you want to consider any of the following:

  • Chinchillas

holding a chinchilla

  • Bunny Rabbits (not a rodent)

bunny rabbits eating greens

  • Ferrets (not a rodent)


  • Hedgehogs (not a rodent)

hedgehog in hands

Getting a Pet

When choosing a pet rodent, you should consider how much space you have, how you live, and how much money you have. The small pet rodents we’ve discussed are easy to care for, but they still need some care and attention. They also need an excellent place to live, such as a cage, food, and bedding. Pet rodents can also have health problems, like being overweight or having problems with their teeth, so it’s essential to ensure they eat well and get enough exercise.

Small pet rodents are an excellent choice for people who have never had a pet. They don’t need much care, are easy to take care of, and can give their owners lots of love and company. Small pet rodents like hamsters, guinea pigs, and rats are all great choices, and each has unique qualities that make it an excellent choice for pet owners. When choosing a rodent as a pet, you should consider how much space you have, as well as your lifestyle and budget, to ensure you can give your pet the care and attention it needs.


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