Are German shepherds good with kids? A Comprehensive Guide!

Yes, German shepherds are very good with children. They are a well-known “family dog” and are often recommended for families with kids. German shepherds are very intelligent, loyal, and protective. With the proper training, they will become perfect family dogs. If you’re thinking about getting a German shepherd as a family pet, this article will give you all the information you need to know about this breed.

German Shepherd

Critical Considerations to Kid-Friendly German Shepherds

  • The temperament of German shepherds
  • Socializing German Shepherds with Kids
  • Learning the Dog’s Body Language
  • Training your German shepherd to be kid-friendly
  • Training the Kids for GSDs
  • Ways to Keep Your German shepherd And Kids Safe!
  • The Pros and Cons of GSD with Kids

1)    The temperament of German shepherds

The German Shepherd Dog is born with a temperament of loyalty, courage, and the ability to learn. They are the best guard dogs in the world. They can be very protective of their owners and handler. The GSD was raised to be a working dog with intelligence, health, and genetic soundness being the most important characteristics. They require a lot of exercise and need proper owner attention. This breed is among the top three family dogs recommended by the American Kennel Club. German Shepherds are loyal and can be trusted around kids. With proper training, they make wonderful family pets. They make great playmates for kids because of their size and playfulness. But there are other factors that are into play as well such as if your dog is a cattle dog german shepherd mix, according to K9 Rocks your kid should not be less than 7 because of the breed mix.    Socializing German Shepherds with Kids

According to the American Kennel Club, the process begins at home when your new puppy is just eight weeks old. It is when your puppy will be most receptive to new experiences. As soon as you bring them home, get them used to the sounds of a household with children. Play videos of children laughing and crying so that they get used to these noises. Next, introduce your dog to familiar children, such as neighbors or family members who regularly visit. Let the children pet your dog on the head or scratch him behind the ears first before allowing them to play or run laps around the house together. If your dog is older and lacks the proper socialization skills, you can still work on these behaviors, but it will require more time and planning.

white german shepherd

3)    Learning the Dog’s Body Language

  1. Dogs are always communicating with us through body language. Learning to read a dog’s body language is important – it can help you understand when your dog needs something and when the dog is feeling happy or upset.
  2. The stress signal is often accompanied by other typical signs like lip licking, yawning and scratching. When a dog is tense, its ears may go back, and its tail will drop or tuck under the legs. Some dogs might also raise one paw or turn their head away when stressed out. When your dog seems angry or aggressive, don’t look him in the eye or touch him until he calms down.
  3. A relaxed dog holds his ears up and his tail high, down or in the middle. A stiff-legged, slow wag indicates tension, but a loose-bodied wag with the head down signifies appeasement or friendliness.

4)    Training your German shepherd to be kid-friendly

  1. Enroll your German shepherd in puppy school as soon as possible. It will help ensure that your dog can follow commands like “Down” or “Sit,” which will keep him from accidentally knocking over a child. Teach your dog the “Leave it!” and “not to jump” commands.
  2. If you want your German shepherd to behave around kids, teach him what “no” means (and don’t use it unless you mean it). If you catch him touching or mouthing something that doesn’t belong to him, say “no” firmly and walk away for 30 seconds. If he feels or grimaces the object again, repeat the process. He’ll soon learn what “no” means and inappropriate associate behavior with unpleasant consequences.
  3. Train your dog to sit and stay when the child comes near him.
  4. Give treats if your German shepherd does well with other people or at social events such as weddings where there will likely be many children present.

shepherd mix in snow

5)    Training the Kids for GSDs

  1. Teach your child how to approach the dog from the front. They should never come from behind or reach above the dog’s head (this posture indicates dominance).
  2. Show your child how to gently touch the dog’s body peacefully, avoiding the face, legs, and tail. Always speak politely and say “good boy” or “good dog”. It’s best if they don’t attempt to hug the dog around their neck since some dogs find this threatening. Explain that dogs are not toys and that your child needs to be gentle.
  3. Encourage fair play between your child and dog by rolling a ball back and forth or walking together on a leash outdoors.
  4. Always supervise interactions between kids and dogs because accidents happen even if both parties have been trained properly!

6)    Ways to Keep Your German shepherd And Kids Safe!

  1. Make sure they don’t get too close to the child’s face or go near their hands while playing with toys because these areas can lead them right into trouble if not watched properly!
  2. Keep all sharp objects out of reach of both your German shepherd and the kids so that there is no accidental injury.
  3. Exercise your German shepherd regularly on a leash. Please don’t leave your dog alone with your children until you are sure they can handle it.
  4. Start taking your German shepherd to doggie daycare or to play with other puppies and kids so they can get used to the environment and noise level.
  5. When the children play with the GSD, make sure they don’t pull the dog’s tail, ears or hair, and it can cause aggressive behavior.
  6. Never hit or scold your GSD when it shows aggression towards kids. Instead, take him away from the situation, allow him to calm down, and give him treats.

7)    The Pros and Cons of GSD with Kids


  • They Can Be Trained to Help Children with Disabilities.
  • They Are Easy to Train.
  • They’re protective of their families and children.
  • They love to play with kids.
  • They’re gentle giants.


  • German Shepherds can be Aggressive towards strangers if they feel that this person poses a threat to their family members.
  • They need more attention; they are otherwise prone to separation anxiety and become destructive when left alone.

german shepherd with owner hiking

Are German shepherds good family dogs?

Yes, German shepherds are good family dogs. It is a popular “family dog” because of its versatility and affectionate personality. Because German shepherds respond so well to training and are one of the smartest breeds, they are often used as a service and support dog too. German Shepherds make great family dogs when they are well-socialized. However, these large dogs need plenty of training not to become aggressive towards people or other animals.



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