Are Labradoodles Hypoallergenic? The Answer Might Surprise You

Three out of ten Americans are sensitive to dogs and cats

This is per the Asthma or even the Allergy Association of America. Nonetheless, dog breeders have attempted to create an allergy-free canine breed as the demand for fuzzy companions continues to rise. The term “hypoallergenic” is widely used to describe breeds like these.


Is it true that Labradoodles don’t shed? Not.

There is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog breed. Cosmetic manufacturers in the 1950s used the term “hypoallergenic” to describe products that were less likely to trigger an allergic reaction.

Yet, they might still cause allergic reactions in some people. Less shedding is the defining attribute of hypoallergenic dog breeds.

As an allergy-friendly dog, the Labradoodle was purposely bred to be hypoallergenic. There is no assurance that your Labradoodle will be hypoallergenic due to the randomness of crossbreeding, and the type of pet allergy you have is also a factor.

Here, you can find all the information you require to understand Labradoodles and allergies thoroughly.

The Labradoodle’s ancestry:

In Australia, a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle were the primary breeds used to create a new designer dog breed called the Labradoodle.

These Labradoodles were developed with pet-allergy sufferers in mind. As you probably already know, Labradors are the most superior service dog breed due to their combination of exceptional intelligence and unwavering devotion to their masters. However, Labs have an issue because they shed a lot of fur. This gorgeous service dog is useless to those who suffer from pet allergies.

Australia’s Royal Guide Dogs Association had a brilliant idea to make Labradors more allergy-friendly: they bred Labs with Poodles, one of the most hypoallergenic dog breeds on the planet. In contrast to most breeds, Poodles only need to shed every three to four weeks.

A smarter, friendlier, and less allergenic hybrid emerged for those with hay fever. However, as was previously indicated, the degree to which individual Labradoodles are allergy-friendly depends heavily on their genetic makeup. Because some puppies can inherit the Labrador’s coat and others the Poodle’s, even within the same litter, there can be significant variation in the types of coats that the puppies exhibit.

Australian Labradoodles are bred at Great Day Labradoodles, a home-based business in Salem, Oregon. All the Labradoodle puppies offered for sale here are produced in our home and handled frequently. Excellent health, temperament, and confirmation are our breeding priorities.

doodle puppy in hoodie

Finding a Labradoodle that is Good for your Allergies:

Those Labradoodles with coats more like their Poodle parents are the most allergy friendly. Thankfully, some generations are known for being less likely to cause allergic reactions. There is a way to categorize Labradoodles: by their generation.

A few examples are as follows:

  1. First-generation F1 Labradoodles:

The Labrador in this picture is the father of this Poodle, and the Poodle is the puppy’s mother. This means F1 Labradoodle puppies can have two coats, one more like their mother and the other more like their father. One is a fluffy, warm fleece coat, while the other is a stiff, flat coat.

This means that both coats shed at different rates. Neither coat, despite their variations, is allergy friendly. So, if you’re in the market for a Labradoodle, you should inquire as to whether it is an F1. If that’s the case, you should probably stay away.

  1. The Second-Generation F1B Labradoodle:

When a Labradoodle and a Poodle are bred for the second time, they produce an F1B Labradoodle. If you do this, your kids have a 75% chance of inheriting a Poodle coat, making your Labradoodle more allergy friendly. People who are extremely sensitive to pet dander should consider getting an F1B Labradoodle.

However, ensure your F1B Labradoodle was bred in this manner, as some breeders may breed two first-generation Labradoodles and sell the resulting puppies as 2nd generation Labradoodles.

  1. The third generation of Labradoodles, or F2:

You can get an F2 Labradoodle by breeding two 2nd generation Labs or crossing a Labradoodle with a Poodle. The Poodle’s genes are so prominent in this mix that third-generation Labradoodles may be the most allergy-friendly of all Labradors. However, genuine third-generation Labradoodles are uncommon.

goldendoodle in yard

Allergies and Life with a Labradoodle:

It’s not only the Poodle; even the hypoallergenic Labradoodle sheds more regularly than that. Therefore, there is still a possibility that your pet’s occasional dander will cause you to experience allergic responses.

Pet and house dander can be reduced with effort, but it is possible. A few examples are as follows:

  1. Grooming Routine:

One of the best ways to make your Labradoodle hypoallergenic is by maintaining a regular grooming routine. It removes the main allergens that cause some people to react negatively to pet hair, such as dander, dust, and pollen.

Regularly groomed dogs shed much less hair and dander than those who aren’t given the same care.

Therefore, if possible, consider giving your Labradoodle a light brushing every day while brushing them thoroughly at least twice a week. Baths are also recommended since they allow you to clean your puppy’s skin properly to remove any dander or old skin cells. Consider bathing your animal using anti-allergenic shampoo at least once a month.

However, since grooming will expose you to potential allergens, it would be a good idea to delegate that task to someone who does not suffer from pet allergies.

  1. Install an Air Filter:

Installing a HEPA filter in your home removes dirt, dust, and dander from the air. Even if your pet sheds, you will be less likely to have an allergic reaction since the filter will have removed much of the dander.

  1. Things to know about Floors that aren’t Carpeted:

Due to their ability to attract and store pet hair and dander, carpets are a significant obstacle to overcoming pet-related allergy symptoms. Furthermore, the embedded dander is extremely difficult to remove. The use of hardwood flooring is highly recommended. The floors are easy to clean and do not collect pet dander. It’s as easy as sweeping or wiping the hair away.

  1. Place a Blanket Over the Sofa:

It’s also challenging to maintain a dander-free couch. To prevent your dog from shedding all over your furniture, you should cover their favorite sofa with a special blanket. The accumulation of dander can be avoided by routinely washing the blanket.

  1. Keep your bedroom closed:

The bedroom is where you spend one-third of your life. Therefore, it should be as allergen-free as possible. Your dog will no longer be allowed in the bedroom.

Is it True that Labs are Allergen Free?

Because of its Labrador ancestry, the Labradoodle is not considered hypoallergenic like the Poodle is. Labradoodles, on the other hand, are a good choice for people who suffer from dog-related allergies because they don’t shed too much. And make sure it’s a second or third-generation pup.

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