Dog Pacing: 6 Tips for What You Can Do About It

There is nothing cuter than a little puppy begging for food or letting you know they need to go to the bathroom. That is until they start pacing back and forth.

For some reason, dogs tend to pace when they are anxious, bored, or need to use the bathroom. Wondering how to stop dog pacing? Luckily, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s take a look at some tips for combating a dog that keeps pacing.

Happy Dog

1. Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Regular physical activity helps dogs release the energy and emotions that may be the root cause of their pacing habits. Taking the dog for long walks, playing fetch, or swimming, can be beneficial to help reduce the anxious energy that could be causing their pacing.

Additionally, mentally stimulating a dog can significantly reduce pacing problems. Try teaching your dog new tricks or challenging him with interactive toys for mental activity. Providing physical and mental stimulation to a dog can help ease boredom and anxiety, and reduce the occurrence of pacing.

If your dog doesn’t have any exercise at all or any avenue for mental stimulation, he may start to pace either out of boredom or stress. It’s important to understand the underlying cause of pacing that can give you the best understanding of how to best handle the issue.

2. Establish a Routine

Establishing a routine is crucial for addressing dog panting and pacing problems. Start by setting a mealtime, bedtime, and walks. Stick to a daily exercise routine, a walk in the morning and one in the evening.

Put a stop to the pacing by introducing enriching activities throughout the day. Try puzzles to engage their minds or give them a special treat during the day to keep them engaged. Make sure that plenty of rest breaks are taken, as mental and physical fatigue can cause dog pacing at night.

Provide plenty of love and attention to your dog. Talk to them, pet them, and share some quality time. All of these tactics help your dog to stick to a healthy and productive routine.

Take note that even if you took the first tip above but you don’t have a routine for it, then the problem will continue. Routines signal to the dog that specific behaviors are expected from them, so providing them with a routine to follow will help prevent the pacing.

3. Provide Comfortable Resting Areas

Choose a place with a comfortable surface such as a rug or cushion. Place your dog’s food and water bowls where they can be easily accessed. Make sure your dog’s sleeping environment remains cool and peaceful.

Consider adding a few toys around the resting area to keep him occupied. Place soft bedding nearby in case your dog moves around the house while resting.

Ensure there are no electronic devices or other distractions that could disrupt your pet from getting good sleep. Separate resting areas for when your family has visitors to prevent any tension or disruption in the environment.

4. Address Anxiety or Stress

If your dog is exhibiting pacing behavior due to anxiety or stress, there are several things you can do to help your pup feel better. Start by talking to your vet to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to the pacing. Seek the help of a vet or trainer to identify and help your pet work through the behaviors.

If needed, consult your vet about using an anxiolytic for more severe cases. It’s important to practice patience and understanding with your pup as they navigate this difficult time.

If you don’t address the stress or anxiety your dog is experiencing, it may worsen, leading to further behavioral problems. This may require some changes in the home, such as introducing calming music, a comfortable sleeping space, or reducing noise.

If your dog’s condition doesn’t improve, serious veterinary attention may be necessary. Your vet may recommend a variety of medications to help reduce anxiety and stress while also improving your pet’s mental health. Medications are also available that can help alleviate nerve pain and stimulate appetite.

5. Go With Alternative Supplements

One of the ways to address dog pacing is to go with alternative supplements. If you’re worried that your dog won’t lay down no matter what solutions you have done to deal with dog pacing, you can try CBD. It is effective in helping to reduce dog pacing.

Other alternatives may be beneficial, like mushrooms, herbs, or even essential oils. Furthermore, there are also dietary supplements that work to reduce the amount of anxiety in dogs which can also be helpful.

However, you want to make sure that whatever supplement you choose to use is safe for your dog. Discuss any new supplements with a specialist before feeding them to your pup. Additionally, research the ingredients to make sure that they are safe and free of any potential harmful side effects.

6. Enroll in Behavioral Training

One of the most effective ways to treat pacing in dogs is to enroll your pup in a behavioral training program. These programs will focus on reinforcing positive behaviors by providing consistent and clear:

  • boundaries
  • schedules
  • rules

Behavioral training can include teaching your pup appropriate responses to environmental cues, such as:

  • coming back when called
  • establishing commands
  • rewarding positive behaviors

Additionally, behavioral trainers can work to identify and modify behaviors associated with pacing, like anxiety or boredom. The support and guidance from a behavioral trainer can provide the structure and consistency your pup needs to learn healthy behaviors and ultimately reduce or eliminate the pacing.

Learn to Address Your Dog Pacing Concerns

Dog pacing is an abnormal behavior for dogs that can indicate stress, fear, or anxiety. Owners can do their part to identify and address the underlying causes of their dogs’ pacing. According to the tips provided, they can help keep their dogs’ environment calm and structured, provide them with mental stimulation, and give them plenty of love and attention.

If the problem persists, owners should consult their vet for further advice. With the right approach, soon their beloved furry friends will be content and back to their normal selves.

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