Making Your Home Pet-Friendly: 7 Tips You Must Follow


Owning a pet is a rewarding experience and a significant responsibility. It involves regular vet visits, walks, feeding, and loving your pet like a family member. 

Regardless of your living space, there are simple ideas to ensure your pet’s safety and comfort. A dog-friendly property is crucial, as your pet needs to be safe both inside and outside, with all precautions taken to prevent harm.

Furthermore, pet parents should prioritize their pets’ safety and comfort, starting with larger animals. When renovating or redecorating, consider your pets before making any changes to save money and ensure their safety. 

For cats, dogs, birds, or hamsters, create a comfortable living space that accommodates their age, size, and personality. 

This will save you money in the long run and ensure a safe and comfortable environment for your pet.

An orange cat in a moving box

How To Make Your Home Pet-Friendly?

Given below are some of the most important tips that will help you make your living area more pet-friendly—

1. Maintain Cleanliness

In order to keep a home pet-friendly, it is important to regularly vacuum furniture, especially if your pet is shedding excessively. Therefore, you must invest in a high-quality vacuum to effectively remove dirt from the fabric. 

Additionally, brushing your pet outside can help reduce the amount of dead hair inside the house. 

Keeping your pet’s nails trimmed can also prevent scratches on floors and upholstery. Regular brushing and bathing can help remove loose hair before it ends on furniture, minimizing the need for deep cleaning couches and rugs. 

Also, when disposing of dog poop, it’s important to put it in a sealed plastic bag. Also, you can bury it in the ground at least 5 inches deep using biodegradable corn bags. 

However, you should never compost dog poop. To dispose of it, physically pick it up and put it in the trash, or bury it in a 2-foot deep hole in the ground with septic system powder and water.

You can also contact pet-cleaning service providers to help you maintain the health of your yard when you own a pet. Check out this website and find the best service for your area.

white fluffy puppy on a rug

2. Make It Spacious

As a responsible pet owner, ensuring your pets have enough space to play and roam comfortably, considering their size and breed, is important. 

For instance, keeping a Saint Bernard in a small apartment would be unfair to the dog or the owner. 

Therefore, you must prioritize the pet’s comfort by providing them with enough space to move around freely.

Also, dogs need more space for play and walking. 

Cats, on the other hand, can accommodated in any sized space due to their smaller structures. 

However, they still need enough space to play and explore indoors, which can be achieved by creating an engaging play area with toys, scratching posts, and cat trees.

Therefore, by prioritizing your pet’s needs, you can ensure their happiness, health, and comfort in their new home.

3. Find The Right Flooring

If you struggle to keep carpets clean due to pet odors and hair, consider switching to ceramic tile or hardwood floors. 

These options are easy to clean and can give your living room a polished look in no time. 

However, if you’re on a budget, laminate flooring is a more affordable option with a scratch-resistant finish. 

Consider incorporating washable or indoor/outdoor area rugs, such as short pile or jute rugs, for added coziness. Matching the rug color to your pet’s fur can also help reduce shedding.

dog eating from bowl

4. Keep Away Harmful Chemicals & Plants

It’s important to keep your pets safe and prevent accidental poisoning. Around 140,000 pets are exposed to toxic substances each year, which can lead to emergency hospital visits. 

To protect your pets, store or lock away toxic and dangerous products, such as cleaners or medications. 

However, you can install latches on sink cabinets and lock cabinets or shelves in garages that hold items like antifreeze. 

Be cautious with pesticides and only use pet-friendly ones, storing them in locked cabinets in your garage or shed. 

Furthermore, when decorating your home, be mindful of what’s in easy reach of your pet, as there may be small threats like poisonous plants, small objects, or fragile items. 

To prevent boredom, create a comfortable environment for your pets and keep dangerous items out of reach or in a separate room.

5. Make The Space Escape-Proof

To keep your pets safe, secure any windows with screens to prevent falls. This is especially important in two-story or high-rise buildings. 

Therefore, consider investing in aluminum screens for durability if you have a dog. A pet gate is a must-have tool to restrict your pet’s access to certain areas of your home. 

These come in various shapes and sizes and ensure a secure environment for you and your pet. 

However, if you have a townhouse or single-family home, it’s essential to have a strong, durable fence to prevent fights, especially for big dogs. 

Additionally, installing a doggy door allows pets to come and go without supervision, preventing accidents.

6. Assign A Bathing Area 

As a pet owner, keeping your home clean and tidy can be challenging, particularly if your pets play outside. 

To make things easier, consider assigning a specific bathing area for your furry friend to control mess and keep your home clean. 

Also, you can get creative with indoor and outdoor solutions, such as installing a concrete slab for easy cleaning and maintenance or building a pet shower in your mudroom or laundry room. 

This approach helps to avoid scattering dirt and hair throughout the house, saving you time and effort when cleaning up. 

Therefore, you maintain a clean and organized home by focusing all bathing activities in one area.

bengal kitten on a pillow

7. Give Them A Quiet Corner

Providing a small space for your pet to relax is important, as it promotes their well-being and helps them unwind during the day. 

You can provide a structured bed and teach your pet not to jump in bed with their owners. This can eliminate several issues for both the owner and the pet. 

However, conditioning cats to sleep elsewhere can be challenging. Their tendency to roam makes it impossible to train them not to crawl into bed with you. 

Dogs benefit from a small, calm, draft-free bed, which provides the necessary structure to help them calm down.

Make It A Happy Place For Your Pet

To ensure your furry friend has a comfortable and safe home, consider the following suggestions. This will provide them with a sense of security and relaxation. 

Evaluate potential hazards and take steps to prevent them, such as installing childproof locks or removing harmful substances. This maintains a clean and secure environment while still enjoying your pet’s company. 

This demonstrates your concern for both your family and your pet’s well-being and fosters their overall health and happiness. A pet-friendly home conveys your love and care for your furry companions, and ensures their comfort and security. 

Your home should be a sanctuary for both you and your pets, where you can enjoy daily life to the fullest.

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