Goldfish Bacterial Gill Disease

Treat Goldfish Bacterial Gill Disease


  • Rapid gill movement
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Clamped fins
  • Decomposing gill arches
  • White streaks of gills
  • Gills look like “hamburger meat”
  • White gill edges (pH)
  • Hanging out at surface (Low oxygen)
  • Gills swollen open (flukes parasite)
  • Mucus Hanging off Gills (flukes or pH)
  • Holes in Gill Covers (fish tb or flukes)
  • Pale Gill Covers (flukes or IHN virus)

Bacterial gill disease (BGD) is described as the presence of a filamentous bacteria on the gills accompanied by fusing of gill filaments. In most cases, bacterial gill disease is brought on by poor water quality. The two largest environmental factors that cause bacterial gill disease is low dissolved oxygen levels and overstocking. Overstocking creates poor water quality by lowering oxygen levels while increasing the bioload and raising ammonia, nitrate and nitrite levels. Many symptoms described below are caused by the flukes parasire in combination with bacterial gill disease.

Treat Bacterial Gill Disease

If flukes parasites are present, treat for flukes first (as described in Cure Flukes in Goldfish) then bypass your biological filter to avoid killing nitrifying bacteria and treat for bacterial gill disease. Treat with potassium permanganate, Chloramine-T, Copper sulphate or BGDX. Feed with

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  • Preform regular water changes
  • Don’t overstock with goldfish
  • Provide plenty of aeration
  • Minimize stress of goldfish

Reviewed By: Tim Winter

Tim Winter has a strong affection for pets and wildlife. His years of experience caring for various types of pets has led him to share his knowledge with others on the best practices in pet care. Tim holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communications.

2 thoughts on “Goldfish Bacterial Gill Disease”

  1. One of my pond fish has a large bubble like groth on its side near the gill it’s clear and looks as though it has fluid in it searched for info on net can not find any thing to explain
    Thanks if you can help


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