How to Leash Train a Cat

One advantage of having a dog is that you can leash them up and take them pretty much everywhere with you. But what if you are a cat person? This article will discuss The Anti-Cruelty Society’s tips on how to train a cat to walk on a leash. Gather Your Materials Many people who attempt … Read more

Why Do Cats Purr, Hiss, Chirp, or Meow

We all know the basics of cat communication; purrs are generally welcoming while hisses mean back off. But cat communication has different layers. Often, cat communication is non-verbal. However, when they become vocal, we should pay attention to what they are trying to communicate. Many studies have been conducted on how cats attempt to communicate … Read more

Why Do Cats Love Catnip?

Catnip is the abbreviated name for Nepeta cataria, a perennial herb of the mint family originally from Europe and Asia. Interestingly enough, the Latin-derived word, cataria, is translated as “of a cat.” However, it wasn’t always a feline treat — its leaves were once used to brew tea for treating an upset stomach. It is … Read more